Our award-winning documentary short
is an expository documentary short on the perils of
human trafficking, with an emphasis on child trafficking.
We are currently in production mode for the
full-length feature, social justice documentary.
Our first documentary
'If It Could Happen to Me, It Could Happen to You',
is an expository documentary on domestic homelessness.
Humbly, this documentary has won 9 awards.
Our first documentary short,
'If It Could Happen to Me, It could Happen to You',
premiered at the UN on 2.13.2020 at the first intergovernmental dialogue on homelessness in history at the United Nations.
With clients ranging from the International Earth Day Network - www.EarthDay.org - to www.EarthDay.tips, we have something for everyone...kids of all ages!
With our expertise in creating effectual websites from basic educational websites utilizing professional photography to ecommerce platforms infusing video, we are able to help you design a minimally carbon evasive marketing plan.
Discussing difficult topics with your little ones, especially when
they're the ones suffering from the challenges themselves,
can be some of the most arduous processes.
In our "Super Kids Group" we help your child understand these exceptionally hard topics.
We specialize in tailoring each story to your child's specific needs.
From bullying to LGBTQI, from divorce to cancer,
we try to create each story that is age-appropriate to your child's needs.
As a student taking classes towards Harvard's Masters in Global Development Practice program
concentrating in creating
Sustainable Cities and Communities,
the founder's capstone is creating the
nation's 1st net positive,
small home community in the nation.
The pilot program, Cville Villas, will be a small home community for youth aging out of foster care who have been subjected to human trafficking in the Charlottesville, Virginia area.
Copyright © 2020 Managing Love, Inc. is a 501c3 organization, EIN 83-1862339
All Rights Reserved